Twilight the book vs. Twilight the movie

 I personally thought the book Twilight was better than the movie!! I thought that they cut out some of the best parts from the book! The director for New Moon is different than the director from the first movie. I thought the movie revolves too much around the romance, and not enough of the action in the movie. Although some people do like the romance movies, I am not a huge fan. Like I mentioned before they cut out some of the best parts! In the book you find out about Alice and how she was a vampire, they cut that out in the move!!! Although I know that when they base movies on books they have to cut some of it out, but I think she cut out the wrong parts in my opinion. What is your opinion? Did you like the movie or the book better? Why do you think one is better than the other?

~ by monkeygirl7921 on July 1, 2009.

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